Please send application to:
13358 530 st.
West Concord, MN 55985
You must have a vet...farrier....and personal reference to be approved!
E-mail address:______________________Please make sure that you use the proper capital letters and smaller case letters where needed.
Your Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Zip: __________
Home Phone: ____________________________
Work Phone: ____________________________
What are you looking for in a horse?
1. Gender: ( ) Gelding ( ) Mare ( ) Stud
2. Do you have an age preference?
( ) No ( ) Yes Specify: ___________________________________________
3. Do you have a color preference?
( ) No ( ) Yes Specify: ___________________________________________
4. Training : ( ) Western ( ) English ( ) Trail ( ) Ranch work
( ) Other Please Explain:____________________________
5. Size: ( ) 14 - 15 Hands ( ) 15 - 16 Hands ( ) 16+ Hands
6. Bone Structure: ( ) Small ( ) Medium ( ) Large
Some background Information on you would be helpful.... Please complete the following questions.
7. Weight and height of person(s) riding: ____ft ____lbs; ____ft _____lbs
____ft ____lbs; ____ft _____lbs
8. What would you use the horse for:
( ) Pleasure/Trail Riding ( ) Driving ( ) Showing
( ) Handicap or Youth Program ( ) Other Please Explain:______________________
Occasionally other horses become available through referrals made by horse clubs, veterinarians, and
by word of mouth. Please list any breeds which you may be interested in adopting:
9. Please check all that apply:
( ) I am experienced and intend to break the horse to saddle.
( ) I would like to hire my own trainer to break the horse.
10. Responsibility for care:
A. Have you ever been responsible for the care of a horse before? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, how long ago and to what extent? ______________________________________________
B. Will the horse be boarded on your property? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If no, where will the horse be boarded? Please include contact name, address, and phone number __________________
C. Describe in detail the shelter the horse will have: ________________________________________
D. Size of turnout area: ________________________________________
What kind of fencing surrounds this turnout area:_________________________________________
How long will horse be turned out each day:_________________________________________
E. Who will be responsible for the daily care of the horse: ___________________________________
Is this person: ( ) experienced ( ) inexperienced ( ) somewhat experienced
F. Please tell us what type of hay will be provided: ________________________________________
How much per day:_________________________________________
What type of grain will be provided:_________________________________________
How much per day:_________________________________________
Will horse have free access to water:_________________________________________
The Midwest Horse Adoption Program requires references in order to consider an adoption. Please
complete. Do not use immediate family members.
1. Horse vet or boarding vet: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________ How long have you used this veterinarian? _____________
2. Personal Farrier: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________ How long have you used this farrier? _____________
3. Personal Reference: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________ How long have you known this person? _____________
Please list any animals you already have: _________________________________________________________
Are you interested and capable of caring for an injured horse? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Would you be interested in not only adopting, but in doing foster care for the horses in our program (horse that
needs a place to stay until the are placed in permanent homes)? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Applicant Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________
MHAP would like it if you could send pictures of you farm, shelter, and turn out area. You can send pictures
of your animals, also. Please remember we may have to visit your place before we place a horse there. This is to
ensure that the horse has a good place to go! If you have anything else to add, please do so on the back of a page.
Thank You!!!!!!!
Please spread the word about our program!!!!!